Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I'm afraid.

My whole life
{for whatever reason(s)}
I've been terrified.

Of what you ask?

{Being a Disappointment}

I feared my grades in school because I didn't want to be a failure.
I feared failure because that meant that someone's expectation of me wasn't being upheld.
I feared being close with people because that means I might not be what/who they want or expect me to be...

I still struggle daily with this. 

I find myself longing to say "No"
but I just can't
because I want to be
{to feel}

I'm afraid that if my friends are able to
go on and enjoy themselves without me
that they mat not want me around anymore.

{obviously I don't think my friends NEED me}
{i just fear being replaced}

I fear that my daughters will grow up and have bad memories of me.
I fear that I'll never have anything valuable to offer them.
I fear that I'm going to {FAIL} as a mother
and be a disappointment to them.

I fear that if I don't keep the house clean and cook amazing healthy meals
I'll {FAIL} at being a good wife
and I'll disappoint my husband.

I fear that I'm not a "good Christian" because I {FAIL} to
do the "right" things and I don't read my Bible as often as I "should"
and that I'm a disappointment to God.

Anyone else feel this fear?

Anyone see the problem in this
{"Fear of Disappointment"}

It's ALL about ME. 

There it is. 


Where in any of my fears have I stopped and sought truth in them?

My Girls could care less about anything I do so long as I spend time with them
and show them affection and speak love into their lives and hearts.

My husband could {usually ;) } care less if the laundry isn't all finished, the dinner isn't done, and the house is a mess...
So long as I show him the respect and love he deserves and needs. 

As far as disappointing God...
Let's be real. 
God knows my inner-most thoughts.
He created me. 
He knows my sinful nature and therefore has no illusion about
what I am or am not capable of. 

Really all this fear...
is of myself.
I'm afraid to disappoint me. 

And I beat myself up day in and day out
over my own selfish heart.
And as a result,
{I fail}
{I disappoint}
all because I'm so caught up in
{Me Monster Mode}

Time. For. Change.

I want to live unafraid.
I want to live presently.
I want to live a life that blesses my family and doesn't fear them.
I want to honor my God with my life and be unafraid of what I "might" do wrong. 

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God gave a spirit not of fear but of power, love, and self-control.

The power to live according to His will.

The ability to love the Lord and the people that He has placed in our lives.

The presence of mind to fight off those pesky lies of the enemy that tell us
we're not good enough and to live in the truth that we CAN be a blessing.

God has not given you a spirit of
but of


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