Sunday, February 23, 2014

{Being Mommy}

**I've been feeling like this reminder needs to be played in our heads. 
Again. and Again. and Again. and Again..."

Taking on the title of
looks a lot different for everyone. 

But whether you're a
SAHM (Stay At Home Mommy)
WM (Working Mommy)
WAHM (Work At Home Mommy)
or a fabulous hybrid of any of those...
somethings are always the same.

Being Mommy means:
Giving up yourself physically for another tiny human.
(whether you carried the baby or not, you still sacrifice in this area)
Going to bed late.
Waking up early.
Getting dressed in clean clothes only to be puked on 3.7 seconds later.
Being willing to give up every last breath you have
to protect your babes from the big bad world.
Worrying your face off that you're not doing the "right" things.
Making every effort to make sure they have just what they need.
{and often more than they need}

Being Mommy means:
Sometimes not showering for multiple days on end.
Sometimes not actually knowing how many days it really has been.
Kissing boo boos.
Singing songs.
Reading books.
Playing games.
Not talking to a grown human for several days.
Using toddler talk when you do finally talk to a grown human
Not having anything relevant to say when you talk to another grown human.
Being Mommy means:
Being the bad guy.
You get the ugly, grumpy faces when everyone else gets the smiles.
You have to fix hurt feelings even when you didn't cause them.
You lose your temper.
You feel guilty for losing your temper.
You feel embarrassed for losing your temper.
You apologize for losing your temper.

But you know what else 
Being Mommy means?

It means you have a small person(s)
watching you.
learning from you.
admiring you.
loving you.
wishing they could be just like you.

You see...
Being Mommy
isn't always glorious
and it most definitely isn't always

But it is
Always. Worth it.

You ARE a good mom.
Whether today feels like a total BUST
or it feels like you've conquered the world, 
you. are. a good mom. 

Whether or not anyone got out of their jammies,
whether or not the laundry got done,
whether or not you made three healthy perfect meals...

You. Are. A good mom. 

Rest in the joy that those little's give you.
Breath in that smell.
Cherish every last bit.

Nobody else can be that baby's Mamma the way you can. 


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