Wednesday, June 11, 2014

{It's not you. It's me.}

Have you ever been in a situation where
you and a friend or loved one
have had an argument
and you're trying to
figure things out
and you feel like
your words are going in one ear and out the other?

You say,
"When you did ___ I felt ___"
and they say,
"Well... you shouldn't have ___"
and you say,
"You're not listening when I say ___"
and then the cycle perpetuates into madness.


Have you ever been in a situation where
you and a friend or loved one
have had an argument
and you're trying to
figure things out
and you feel like your words are going in one ear and out the other?
{see what I did there?}

You say,
"I'm really sorry... I shouldn't have ___"
and they say, 
"No, no, no, it was my fault I shouldn't have ___"
and you say, 
"No, really it was ME!"
and they say,
"Seriously though... I was the bozo!"
and then the cycle perpetuates into madness.

In both situations the same thing is happening.
{Me Monster}
comes out.
The self focused desire to be right
{or wrong}
is what drives us. 
Often times there's really no regard for the other person at all.
We want to be "est" of the situation at all costs.
The Right"est"
The Wrong"est"
{Ya get what I'm sayin'?)

We'll go to far lengths to have the last word.
Even if that means painting a horrible picture of ourselves.
Because maybe...
juuuussst maybe...
we'll get that person's sympathy.
We'll get more
time out of it.

I've found this often happens with the people we love the most.
Those closest to us.
The one's we're supposed to protect and love
and sacrifice for.
{Sure, I'll throw myself in front of a bus for you}
{but give you more focus time than me? Psshh! Forget that!}

Oh we humans are whacky little creatures I tell ya...

John 15:13
"Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends"

Probably wouldn't have had the same impact if Jesus would have been like
"Hey guys, I'm going to be beaten, ridiculed, crucified and die... But first lemme take a selfie!"

Instead He
walked into torture and gave His life
so that we might know Him. 

He took MY place.
He really did take the focus off of me
in the BEST way possible!

Often even in our relationships with Christ
{Me Monster}
comes out. 

Our prayers are for health, safety, more comfort in living...

How often {truly} do you just
thank Him for the fact that you're alive?
How often do you
pray that your life would be one that glorifies Him
in all things?

{I'm obviously JUST as guilty as the next guy}

We're a people of self-seeking.
Yes, we have the ability to be selfless
but there's
at least a hiiiiint
of selfish ambition.

I encourage you
{and myself}
to look for ways to say
"It's you! It's ALL ABOUT YOU!"
as much as possible. 

Whether it be in your quiet time with the Lord
and you're truly seeking to glorify Him in your life


in your interactions with friends...
Just push your self away and focus on those around you. 

Hear their words.
Meet their needs. 

Instead of "How can I help?"
"What do YOU need?"

Same question.
Shifted Focus. 

Try it.
It's actually a nice change not looking at the
{Me Monster}.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

{Happy Wife. Happy Life}

A few months ago (around Valentine's Day)
as I was leaving the grocery store
I rounded the corner from the check stands toward my exit
and off to the left was the jewelry department.

Diamond rings, earrings, pendants... you know lots of pretty things.
Then there was a pair of mannequins set up with t-shirts that read

{Happy Wife Happy Life}

Happy Wife. Happy Life.

My first thought was

"That's funny!"

My second thought was

"Wait, what?!"

I know to many people this simple statement seems harmless
and some would even say it encourages
little romances within relationships...

Happy Wife. Happy Life.

I say
{It's a fiiiiiine line}
One that can be a sweet gesture to romance your lady
A way of buying her off.

Would I LOVE for my husband to come home with roses and pretties for me?
Would that make me happy?

{p.s. it would ALSO make me broke!}

But do I NEED him to come home with roses and pretties
for me still be happy and joyfully meet the needs of my husband and children?

Thaaat would be a

Now before you get bent out of shape and think I'm saying it's wrong
to get/give gifts

I'm not. I promise. 

What I'm trying
to get across is that
our life's happiness shouldn't,
and dare I say,
be reliant on the material
that our significant other's
may or may not come home with. 

If you expect a gift and don't get it
there tends to be bitterness.

If you expect a gift and do get it
there tends to be a desire for more.

If you're expected to deliver and don't
there tends to be feelings of inadequacy.

If you're expected to deliver and do
there tends to be pressure to out do yourself. 

Do we see the vicious cycle?

We're always left

More what?


Happy Wife?
Not-so Happy Life?

Matthew 6:19-21
19"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on Earth, where moth and rust destroy
and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,
where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in a steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

In an age of fast paced lives
and so many distractions
let your
be your gift. 

Let your
be the treasure that you
bestow on those that you love.

Give the gift of uninterrupted
one on one
face to face
hand holding

Pretties are nice, 
but if I never see my husband
and my children don't know love and affection
pretties are just chunks of junk with no meaning. 

Time is a gift that can really only be stolen by the person who has it. 
Give it. 
'Til you're ALL OUT OF IT.

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