Monday, February 10, 2014

{and then there were daffodils}


We meet again.

Funny story...
I've always disliked February because of Valentine's Day.
Truth be told... until I was 16 I never had a Valentine.
{so that may have played a part in that loathing}
{ahem... moving on...}
I always balked at the cheesey wheesey romancy stuff.

The over priced chocolates and roses and teddy bears that do an
{I Love You}
boogie to the tune of
"Hound Dog"
The excuse that people used to go WAY out of their way to
"prove" their love to another human being.

WAY too many marriage proposals.


Now I have a strange love/hate relationship with February.
I want to skip it all together and I want it to stay forever
{all in the same breath}

I want to avoid thinking about it, talking about it, being in it.
I want to pretend like it doesn't exist. 


I want to dwell on it.
Tell the world about it.
Be in it.
And pretend like it's all that does exist.

{you can say it... "weeeeiiiirrrdoooo..."}

See remembering is a hard thing to do.
It's hard because that means you re-feel.
You bring back to mind all the things
{good and bad}
that are a part of whatever it is you're remembering.

The smells,
the rain,
the blooming daffodils,
the snow,
the sunshine,
the heartache,
the inability to breath...
that beautiful, beautiful girl.

You see I hated February because of all the roses...

and then...
there were Daffodils.


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