Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I'm not sure how to get out what I'm thinking, so if this is the most disjointed thing in history, I'm sorry.

I've been thinking a lot about why we do what we do how we do it...
and why we respond to things we do the way we do...
{confusing? yeah...}

The past few months have been good for us.
Stressful, busy, a skosh chaotic...
but overall

We've been able to spend some really great quality time as a family.
And for me... that's a little bit hard.
I get really uncomfortable.
I know I've talked before about our culture's general fear of intimacy
and I'm not sure if I'm afraid of feeling vulnerable or that I'm just so un-used to closeness that I don't know how to act or maybe it's that I'm afraid to say or do the wrong thing.

It's like the awkward "quiet" game.
Usually that first person to talk is the really just the first person to feel completely {creeped out}
by the lack of noise.
Except... I'm totally okay with quiet.
Probably {mostly} because it means I don't have to engage.

God calls us to quiet times
but not because He wants to play the quiet game
or so that we can disconnect.

{Quite the opposite really}
He calls us to quiet time so that he can shape us and teach us.
He calls us to quiet time {FOR} intimacy.
He calls us to quiet time to
our hearts.

I want to encourage you to allow God to
engage your heart and truly pursue an understanding of Him.

That's my big task this "New Year".

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Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope

Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope
If you have found yourself on the journey of pregnancy or infant loss, I encourage you to join this blog. A community of families that know the journey well.
