Thursday, April 5, 2012

It's Okay To Be Mad. It's Okay To Ask "Why?"

I've been thinking about
writing for days.
But every time I sit
and think
I get {MAD}!

Everywhere I look I see lives
{Falling Apart}

People I love




Individuals making
decisions without any consideration
for the hearts and well being of 
the people reaping the
consequences of those actions.


It's times like these when I find myself

I find myself asking
"Why is this happening, Lord?!"
"What are we supposed to learn from this terror?!"
"How is this glorifying Your name?!"
"How is this for our good?!"

1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? 
   Why are you so far from saving me, 
   so far from my cries of anguish? 
2 My God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer, 
   by night, but I find no rest.[b]

 3 Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; 
   you are the one Israel praises.[c] 
4 In you our ancestors put their trust; 
   they trusted and you delivered them. 
5 To you they cried out and were saved; 
in you they trusted and were not put to shame.
~Psalm 22:1-5

Those first 2 verses speak exactly what I'm feeling.
"Why aren't you fixing it? Do something!"

as the Psalmist says,

He is Holy.
He has
delivered His children
when they've

Gee... there's that {trust} thing again...
who'da thought?

I'm not saying bad things happen because 
we don't trust the Lord. 
{please don't get me wrong}

What I'm saying
{or trying to at least}
is that in our
God is still God.
He's the same God that we praise when everything in life is 
{Peachy Keen}
He's the same God that blesses our lives with sweet moments of
{Peace and Solace}
so then
He must be the God we {TRUST} when the 
Earth is quaking
and our very existence is being shattered.
He must be the God we allow to
our hearts
when we are numb to all things.
be the 
of our lives.

(see footnote at the bottom)

Otherwise, we put our trust and our hope
in things that are fleeting.
In things that will not satisfy.
Things that may have a sweet taste in the temporal
but in the end
disappointment and defeat
always leave a bitter hunger.

I struggle to hold onto the Hope that we are given.
I struggle to trust that the Lord will make all things new.
But I know that He is good.
He has never failed to
broken hearts
the mourning
{heal and strengthen}
 the weak.

I'm going to pray
{and, yes, I'm going to write it down}
please pray with me.
{I cannot force you.}
{If you chose not to, feel free to skip to the bottom}

You are Holy.
You are gracious and faithful.
We are unworthy, yet you bless us.
We are selfish, yet you give.
We are weak and cannot fight these battles on our own.
Praise you that, because of your sacrifice,
we do not have to.
The battle is yours.
The battle is won
Death cannot defeat us.
Our cry is one of deep pain and sadness.
God, for those in pain, I ask that you heal them.
For marriages that are failing,
I ask that you mend and rebuild them,
so that they might glorify you.
For parents that mourn their children,
I ask that you be our comfort.
For those we love that have run from you,
I beg that you meet them in their darkest moments
and rescue them.
You have promised that in you 
we are all new creations. 
Thank you for making us new.
Lord, use us to glorify Your name.
Use our lives as vessels and examples of your 
enduring love and faithfulness.
Be glorified.
In the holy name of Jesus, we pray these things.

As we spend our days in struggles
and fighting for things that
mean so much to us, 
let's remember that there is a Greater story
being written and good will come out of it. 

I want to know how I can be praying for you!
{even if you don't believe in prayer}
Please, tell me how I can be praying.
Email me, Facebook me, Comment(if you're comfortable)
We can't do things on our own.
We need one another.
And we need to trust that God knows His plans.
That all these things in life, no matter how difficult, truly are
For His Glory and Our Good.

***[I challenge you to read the book of Job. It's a little bit long, but worth the read. If you don't own a Bible and you want one, please tell me. I'll get you one!]


  1. Jess, You are so right. Or community is stuggling. It seems every time I turn around someone I love is left broken hearted by a tragity.. All of them are such tough situations. You and your family amaze me. I love reading your blogs. Please keep them coming, I know you are helping people around you. Love you! -Ashley L

  2. I agree with Ashley. Every where I look I see people hurting. I see people breaking up, I see people losing ones they love that are close to them. Some of them are beyond their control. I would like you to pray for someone inparticulae if you would. I ask because she needs support, she needs love, she needs to know that people care. I love your insight, I love your words of hope, love and peace. You amaze me every day, you are strong, you have a full heart and love to help others. You give me hope, you inspire me every day to be a better Mother to my 2 boys, you give me a reason to love, support and give back to others. Please keep your blogs coming, I need someone to help me start one. Yours are so empowering. Jess, don't give up, ever! - Katie Davis :-)


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