Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Near Tragedy

Before I begin...

I'd like to introduce everyone to a very important member of our family.
{Everyone Meet "Butsy". This is Eden's dolly and 
we've no idea as to why her name is Butsy.}

Busty goes everywhere we go.

{E really loves this doll.} 
{She can't miss story time!}
{And of course she joins in on diaper changes - and sometimes gets her own diaper}

So you'll all understand when I tell you about the heart attack I had upon the near loss of our beloved Butsy!

I'll begin the tale by saying...

Was today BEAUTIFUL or what?!

I couldn't help opening all my windows and doors to let the fresh spring air in. It was wonderful. 
After E took a nap - THREE HOUR NAP!!! (YAY) - we ate lunch and I decided it was time for a walk.
We got our shoes on, made sure we had what we needed and headed out. 

Of course... Butsy was first on the list!

Eden and Butsy seated comfortably in the stroller and I got to push.

We stopped by the bank and the fabric store and were headed to our destination... Daddy's office =)

As I was waiting and waiting and waiting for the cross walk on 4th street to change I kept hitting the button over and over again I was talking to E. Telling her that we only had two more blocks until we got to see Daddy. 

Finally the little red hand went away and I was given permission to walk by the white, yeti shaped man on the signal. 

I jogged across the crosswalk because they never last long enough.

And that's when it happened...


I looked down to see why Eden was shouting and that's when I saw that Butsy was GONE!!!
{Oh NO!! Where had she fallen?! Was she miles back?! I'm going to have to turn around and find her!} 

I turned and looked.

There she was, lying in the crosswalk - luckily on the corner of the sidewalk and not the middle of the street - all alone. Waiting to be rescued. 

I waited through the stupid flashing hand, and was never so relieved to see that little, white, yeti man.
{My heart was POUNDING. Yes I realize how ridiculous I sound. But seriously... you'd've thought I'd dropped my child.}
We made it back across the street to save her.

I picked her up, brushed her off, and gave her to E - who immediately started cooing "Butsy, Butsy, Butsy..."


We made it to Daddy's office with no other near fatal mis-haps. And the day continued as normal. 
Daddy deemed me a "Hero" for rescuing Butsy. But I guess it's all in my line of duty ;)
You'll all be glad to know that Butsy is safely resting in bed, snuggled up with Eden. 

A silly story? Yes. But enough to remind me that everyone needs rescuing every now and then. 


  1. HAha! E let me hold butsy I feel special!

  2. Here you come to save the day;-)
    That's what Mighty Mouse used to say.;-)


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Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope

Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope
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