Monday, March 28, 2011

A Monday Afternoon

It's official. 
I accepted the position that I was offered. 
Now I  just have a giant ball of knots in my belly I have to work through.
Thankfully it's a low part time and I'll still be able to teach dance and still be able to spend two full days plus weekends with my girl. 

{on another note}

Today has been a thinking day. 
My brain has been busy.
I can't stop thinking about the future.
Children, work, finances, a house, bills, blah blah blah blah blah ....
Why is it that we as humans have such a difficult time with trust?

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and and He will make straight your path." Proverb 3:5-6

Why is this sooo stinking difficult?
I know that God is in control. 
I know that He has perfect plans.
I know that things all happen in His perfect Will.



There's my rant for today. 

I know that the Lord has given these things to us. He has given me my desires and that when I delight in Him he will grant me those desires. 

So I guess my food for thought today is:

He chose me for a greater good. Can I just have a little idea or glimpse to what that is? :)


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