Friday, March 25, 2011


"No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be. . .." - Asimov

I hate making decisions. 

I can't make a decision without affecting everyone around me. 
My decisions affect my husband, my daughter, my family, my friends... you get it. 

That's a lot of pressure! 

How will my choices affect my immediate lifestyle?
How will my choices affect how my life is in 10 years?
I want to do what's best for my family, and right now, that could mean a few things. 
I love being home with my sweet baby girl. She makes my heart smile everyday
{in spite of the crankiness and tantrums} 
And my heart is heavy with a conviction to be home and nurturing my children {eventually there will be more :)}
But I also know that, financially, staying home isn't a feasible reality. 

How do I decide to give up on the calling that I feel the Lord has placed in my life, for money?
   -and in the same breath-
How do I -selfishly- chose to stay home knowing that I could be contributing to our livelihood?
I'm so glad, in moments like these, that God is sovereign and I am not. 

I know that "He knows the plans He has for us." - and for that I praise Him.

I know that all things that happen in this crazy life are for His Glory and Our Good. 

So my prayer for now is that I could rest in the mystery of all the things I don't understand. 


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