Monday, February 28, 2011

Sometimes I wonder "Why?!"

Lately things are happening and all I can say is "Why?!"

And mostly "Why all at once?!" 

Why does it have to be so hard to be away from friends? Why does it always seem that when one good thing happens a million "bad" things happen. 

Why, when I'm worried most about income and finding a job or staying home and trying to make money at home, does our rent get raised? 
Why, when I finally humble myself to look for assistance financially because we are just barely getting by, do we get denied that assistance. 

The Lord is doing something in my my life and all I can do right now is ask, "WHY?!"

And He reminds me...
For His Glory and Our Good. 

"It's hard to find hope in the unseen, but I have peace in knowing it will find me." 


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