Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Ever just sit and try to think up something profound
to impart on those around you?

You know... 
Facebook asks "What's On Your Mind?"

Some people just say the first thing that comes to mind.
Some say the most ridiculous thing they can think of to:
a - make people laugh
b - tick people off
{on purpose}
c - just because they can.
Then there are some who I think sit all day long and think up the most
profound thing they can possibly conjure.
Sometimes I think it's impacting.
Sometimes I think they're trying to prove a point.
And sometimes...
Well, sometimes I think "Dang it! Why didn't I come up with that?!"
Then I'm back to thinking about what profound bit of "wisdom" I can speak type
into existence. 

What is it about our make-up that compels us to
to be profound?
Is it Pride?
Is it a feeling of insignificance?
Is it a lack of identity?

{Why do we strive to be better than the next person?!}

The Mommy Wars
The Popularity Contest
The Pintrest-y Housewife (my craftyness is better than yours) Contest
We're living in the
Ultimate Rat Race...
And our culture tells us
{It's Healthy}

If someone can do something better than me,
I must be a failure.
If someone gets attention for something that I did too,
I must be insignificant.

Ahh... but how wrong we are.
While we strive to out-do our peers
and shine brightest in the middle of the sun,
we achieve nothing.
Nothing but a false sense of self.
We lose sight of what matters.
We fall short.

I think
{especially in the realm of Christians}
we believe that if we say and do enough to
"bring glory to God"
that we'll somehow get just a liiiiiitle more approval.
Even though we know that
we are saved by GRACE through FAITH and not by our own works so that none of us can be proud and boastful in our actions,
(Ephesians 2)
we still somehow manage to
get ourselves into competition.

We can do
to find greater favor with God!

Should I repeat that?

We can do nothing
to increase the love that God has for us.

Can we just say
{"Praise God!"}
for that?!

What greater love is there?
No need to impress.
No need to outshine.
No need to be

We are who we are and where we are because of a plan far greater than our own.
We have weaknesses and strengths so that we might be grown and shaped and used
as part of this greater plan.

The Rat Race is

The competition is

in your

Let's take our mind out of the game and put it to much better use.
Let's focus what we have to give and just give it, imperfections, and all.
{Let's live simply, knowing that we are treasured by God}
Let's rest in the perfect,
love of Christ.


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