Thursday, April 28, 2011

What A Day {Yesterday} and some Awkward & Awesome

Holy Moses. 

It. Has. Been. A. Crazy. Few. Weeks!

I'll save you all the nutso details of everything and start with Monday to catch you up on yesterday's events. 

At Eden's WCC they measured her.
21lbs. 15oz. 31" long.
She's in the 75% for her height
{Tall Girl!}
She's in the 25% for her weight
{small girl...}

While having no worries about E's health her doctor still ordered a round of blood draws just to make sure that she's metabolizing correctly and that all of her enzyme levels and iron levels are up where they should be. 

Wednesday morning started like this:

She was so peaceful and sweet =)
I hated to wake her.

We headed to the hospital to get the tests done. She was loving running around with daddy.

I can't lie... I was a nervous wreck!

We made our way back to the lab.
The phlebotomist took us to a "private" room because she figured "things were going to get loud" :| not exactly what I wanted to hear. 

She didn't seem to mind at        <---- first.
Then they put a tourniquet on her and she started to get suspicious ^^^  

{FYI- I'm going to refer to the phlebotomists as "Phl." because it's too long to type :P}

To make a very long a painful story short:
Eden has very small veins (even for a toddler) and so finding a good vein to draw from was difficult. 
Daddy holding her legs, me holding her body and arm (that wasn't being poked), a Phl. holding the other arm, and a Phl. that was manning the needle... 

Poke #1 - We got the Vein!!! Then it collapsed. 

Enter Phl #3. He was a gentle older man and spoke very sweetly to Eden. 
We switched arms.

Poke# 2. Nothing. No blood. So he pulls out the needle and {POKED AGAIN!}

Poor girl was not happy. But she was SUCH a trooper!
It does not feel good to literally pin down your child so someone can inflict pain on her. 

Enter Phl. #4 {I know... seriously?!} A younger man who was very nice also. 

Poke #3. -technically 4- At first nothing was coming out and I was ready to scream right along with Eden. 
But the Lord was good and her blood started to flow freely into the butterfly tube and they got everything they needed.

She got a Princess Jasmine sticker but that was not good enough to make her happy. 
But you know what was?!
 A "Bapple!"
This girl LOVES her apples and for that we were both happy! =)

The day went on. She napped well.
 And then we got to go to the park and play with Aliyah!

She got a kiss from a random little boy after going down the slide.
Then she decided to share the love and give Aliyah kisses :P

All in all it was a good day. Rough. Tough. And Exhausting to begin with...
but the Lord gave us the strength to get through it. 

And Guess WHAT?! Blood results came back. All her levels are up and in perfect range! 
We've got a healthy little lady on our hands and couldn't be more thankful.
God. Is. Good!

Now for a little Awkward and Awesome.

(A friend of mine Alex gave me the idea. 
Check out her blog and her Etsy shop! She's amazing!)

Having a Phl. ask if we wanted to take a break becuase "Mom was getting a little upset" (crying)

Falling down 4 stairs on my way out of work because the hand rail broke.
{thank the LORD nobody was there to see}

Making small talk with a "stranger" at the park to find out I've known them for years... and she knew that >_<

Saying "O-Bama!" as an expletive within earshot of some very liberal and Obama supporting individuals


Having an amazing hubby who makes me lunch on the days that I work 
<3 Him!

Finding out that Hubby is {more than likely} getting a raise at work

Memorizing the ENTIRE routine from Hip Hop class.

I know I already said it.... but

Eden's blood work came back {PERFECT}!
Doesn't get much more awesome than that. 

Join in the fun! Share your Awkward and Awesome!

Have a wonderful Friday!


  1. Along with being a great singer, you are a very good author as well;-)


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