Monday, October 15, 2012

Remembering Our Babies

Well...go figure...
The weather man had it right when he said it was supposed to rain.
I was a little nervous.
And I can't lie...
I wasn't sure anyone would come because it was raining to hard.

But they came!!!
It's so hard to be excited about an event like this
because we are all there for such hard reasons.
But what wonderful blessing it is to be able to share in this
with people who have felt the same feelings
and  have had the same thoughts. 

I started praying (Eden too) this afternoon when the rain started.
I know that we need the rain, 
but I just wanted a 10 minute window to get the balloons up and on their way.

And the Lord was faithful :)

By 5:30
when we released the balloons,
there was hardly a drizzle.

Within about 10 minutes of the release the rain picked up again. 

It was perfect. 

Thank you, Lord for your timing and provision. 
Thank you for the faces that we saw today.
Please comfort the hearts that are aching today for their angle babies. 
Thank you, Lord, that you truly know the pain of our loss. 

I have a feeling, that today is just the first of many...
I am blessed.
I am thankful.

I couldn't get this song out of my head after I left the park.
Thought I'd share :)

Blessings, sweet friends.
Thank you for loving us. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for hosting this.. It was beautiful.. The rain always comes on important days for me..


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Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope

Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope
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